James Wood High School 16-year-old junior
Sport: Golf
Parents: Crissy and Todd Van Horn
Hometown: Winchester
What do you love about golf?: I love playing with my teammates and some of my closest friends. We always have a good time together when we’re playing, and that’s when some of the best memories are made.
Most memorable moment in golf: Letting a kid on my team [Jake Bursey] try to hit a flop shot over my head and getting hit with the ball. That was [two weeks ago]. He was probably about 10 feet away. He asked me to do it. He wanted me to do it standing up, but I said, ‘No way,’ because I knew he couldn’t get it that high. I crouched down and had my hands over my head, and he bladed the ball right into my hand. He felt really bad about it. I think he asked me about 15 times if I was OK. It didn’t hurt too bad. It was just a small bruise on my finger.
Most embarrassing moment in golf: Probably flunking a drive and hitting it 10 feet during a high school golf tournament [two weeks ago at Shenandoah Valley Golf Club].
Most difficult moment in golf: Every time you have a couple bad holes, trying to turn around. I feel like golf is really mental and it’s hard to change your attitude and come back after you’ve had a few bad holes and you’re not playing to your best potential.
Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: Paul Walker; he used to be my favorite actor. I really liked him in the Fast and Furious movies and I was really upset when he died. Kenny Knox; he was a [pro] golfer, a really good putter and he made my putter for me. I met him at Pinehurst [in North Carolina], and he gave me a putting lesson there at a kids’ program. After the program, he offered to make me a putter on the site, and he made it customized to me, so that was really cool. And Zach Bryan; because he’s my favorite music artist. I feel like he’s had an interesting life story.
Biggest athletic influence: My volleyball coach Nemanja Rozgic. He coaches the Go Volley travel team in Winchester. He came from Serbia and was a professional Serbian player, and he coached a professional women’s volleyball team in Serbia. He was also an assistant coach for Georgetown University volleyball. He’s really pushed me and made me a better person, not just a better volleyball player. He’s a really good person to talk to and an amazing athlete.
Favorite teachers: My favorite high school teacher would be Steve Bell for driver’s education last year. We just have really good conversations. I feel like I connect with him well. He’s not just a good teacher, he’s also a good person. Overall, my teacher in fifth grade [at Apple Pie Ridge Elementary School], Mr. [Michael] Mowchan. He was probably my favorite person to learn from. He taught in interesting ways. I learned the most from him, I would say. They both have helped me in different ways, either academically or just becoming the person that I am.
Favorite athlete: Happy Gilmore
Favorite team: New York Giants
Favorite movie: “Top Gun”
Favorite TV show: “The Night Agent”
Favorite song: “Dawns” by Zach Bryan
Favorite food: Chocolate chip pancakes. My mom makes really good pancakes.
Worst thing you’ve ever eaten: Bone marrow. I had it with a family friend last year in Colorado when we went out to dinner. Just the thought of eating bone marrow and the texture of it, It was not something I enjoyed eating very much.
Plans after high school: I’m not really sure what I want to do. But I do plan on joining the miltary, probably the Air National Guard. Follow in my sister Emma’s footsteps. She joined the Air National Guard after high school, and that’s really helped her succeed in life. Some of the things I’ve been considering studying are something in law or government, maybe a pilot. Planes have always interested me. I love flying. My neighbor works in the Air National Guard and we went into the C-17 flight simulator. I got to fly it, and it was really cool.
— Compiled by Robert Niedzwiecki
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