Athlete Spotlight: James Wood boys’ cross country runner Nathaniel Woshner

September 28, 2021

61520011a474a.imageJames Wood High School 17-year-old senior

Sport: Cross Country

Parents: Craig and Stephanie Woshner

Hometown: Winchester

What do you love about cross country?: I love running with the team. I love talking with my teammates and hanging out with my friends. That’s the biggest thing, but I like racing against all of the other schools, too. I’m really looking forward to this season.

Most memorable moment in cross country: It’s probably when we made it to states for the first time in 16 years back when I was a sophomore. We were so excited and that’s going to live in my head for the rest of my life.

Most embarrassing moment in cross country: There was this one invitational that we went to at Hood College and I fell.

Most difficult aspect in cross country: It’s cross country, so it’s definitely going to be hard. But, every sport is hard in it’s own way. It’s learning how to pace and stick with another runner. And, it’s running a 5K in general. Most people can’t do that.

Four people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: They are all my teammates. Liam McDonald, he’s been a close friend since freshman year and we’ve run together for four years. We went to opposite middle schools, but when freshman year came we connected really well. We’re just really good friends; Lauren Beatty for the same reason as Liam; Elena Farinholt, we went to the same middle school, but we really weren’t friends until freshman year. This year we’ve been getting along really well and we’re all good friends; Izzy Newman, she’s a great teammate and friend and she always sticks her neck out for me. I love having a friend like Izzy.

Biggest athletic influence: My dad because I’ve known him my entire life and he’s inspired me to do what I love. At first, I didn’t like running, but he convinced me to do it anyway. Then I got a liking for it once eighth-grade year hit. Also, it’s because he made it to the Olympic Trials and when I was younger I thought that was amazing. I wanted to be just like him when I grew up.

Favorite teacher: My fifth grade teacher Mr. [Michael] Mowchan [at Apple Pie Ridge Elementary]. He made my class so fun and I loved every single part of that class. That was like the only class I enjoyed going to in the morning.

Favorite athlete: [Kenyan distance runner] Eliud Kipchoge

Favorite sports team: Pittsburgh Penguins

Favorite movie: Star Wars series

Favorite TV show: “The Office”

Favorite song: “Panama” by Van Halen

Favorite food: Cheeseburger

Worst thing you’ve eaten: Beans. I’ve never really liked beans and I tried some [at a Mexican restaurant] and I almost puked.

Plans after high school: To go to college and run for that college. I plan to major in digital media. I did a computer science class and the coding part was super interesting. I thought I was leaning more toward that, but there was an English project that I had to do where you had to take clips and put them together like a little movie. That’s what really interested me a lot and it’s why I’m interested in digital media.

— Compiled by Walt Moody

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