Athlete Spotlight: James Wood boys’ soccer player Chris Garcia

April 21, 2020

5e9dd1162aa90.imageJames Wood High School 18-year-old junior

Sport: Soccer. Position: Forward

Parent: Cindy Garcia

Hometown: San Marcos de Ocotepeque, Honduras, moved to Winchester about five years ago

What do you love about soccer: I love how it’s the only sport capable of bringing the whole world together and the passion the game produces from the players and the fans.

Most memorable moment in soccer: Sophomore season, I scored a hat trick against Millbrook [a 3-0 win]. That was pretty good because Millbrook is our biggest rival, so beating them at their home field makes the victory very enjoyable.

Most embarrassing moment in soccer: I was about 11 years old playing travel in my hometown back in Honduras and my team made it to a championship game and the game went to PK’s. When it was my turn to shoot, I got cocky and told the fans to come down because I had it. I went up up to shoot and I shot it straight to the keeper with like no power whatsoever. I missed the PK and it was so embarrassing, but thankfully we ended up winning.

Most difficult moment in soccer: I would say it’s the moment right now because our season ended. … Having to practice even though there’s nothing to play or do is just hard to like, get the fire in you.

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: Jesus, he was the definition of a perfect human being. I want to thank him personally for everything that I have done; My great-grandpa Moises [Ortega]. He passed away a couple of years ago and he always had a great story to share. I miss him a lot and I would like to hug him again; Lempira, he was an Indian warrior in Honduras and fought for independence against the Spaniards. I like history and I would like to hear his side.

Guilty pleasure: Definitely eating junk food at midnight. That’s a big one. My favorite is Chick-fil-A. I buy extra for dinner and later when I’m hungry. I get nuggets and sandwiches. Whatever I feel in that moment.

Favorite teacher: [Math teacher and soccer coach] Brian Sullivan, I’ve never met a person more dedicated to make a group of people to just see the light more than him. He’s just a very selfless person, a good coach and a great person overall.

Favorite athlete: Neymar Jr.

Favorite team: FC Barcelona

Favorite movie: “Life Is Beautiful”

Favorite TV show: “Friends”

Favorite song: “Keep Making Me” by Sidewalk Prophets

Favorite food: Honestly I don’t have a favorite, but just anything my Mom makes

Plans after high school: I plan to attend a four-year college and continue my soccer career. I’m still in the process of deciding the best program for me. I plan to major in engineering. First, I started liking electricity and then I took an electricity class following an engineering class. I just decided that being an electrical engineer would be the best fit.

— Compiled by Walt Moody

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