Athlete Spotlight: James Wood boys’ swimmer Adam Stautzenbach

January 26, 2021

600e30e9f2fc6.imageJames Wood High School 17-year-old senior

Sport: Swimming. Main events: 400 freestyle and 100 freestyle

Parents: John and Kim Stautzenbach

Hometown: Born in Dover, Del., moved to Winchester at age 1.

What do you love about swimming: I love the competition and the adrenaline you get when racing. I really like how good of a sport it is for your health.

Most memorable moment in swimming: It was probably in my sophomore year at districts. I was in a [400 freestyle] relay with my teammates — me, Ethan [Pierce], Todd [Schneider] and Michael [McGeachy]. We needed to get Top 4 to move on to regionals. Ethan went in first and he finished around sixth. Todd went second and managed to get us tied for fifth. After Todd, Michael dove in and kept us tied for fifth. I was really pumped when it came to my turn and I dove in and swam as fast as I could and we ended up qualifying for regionals. We finished fourth.

Most embarrassing moment in swimming: It was probably my freshman year in time trials and backstroke was the next race. Our coach started to explain a technique called the bucket turn, which is when you do a back flip as you approach and kick off the wall. So I assumed we had to do that. During the race, I tried it for the first time and I completely missed the wall. I was still in the water while everyone else was still swimming.

Most difficult moment in swimming: The toughest part is getting the perfect technique and just pacing yourself in the races and just finishing strong. A lot of people have trouble with the flip turns.

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: Russell Wilson, he’s one of my favorite athletes and he’s a really good person. He’d be fun to talk to about football; Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart, they are a comedic duo and it would be really fun to talk to them and hear all of the stories they have. They are always funny when they are together.

Biggest athletic influence: My brother [Zach] because he did different sports in high school and we would always go outside and practice. It just helped us both get better and it made me want to do more sports in high school.

Who are your favorite teacher: Mr. [Michael] Mowchan, he was my fifth grade teacher [at Apple Pie Ridge Elementary]. He always kept the class engaged with learning with creative activities he would make. I can still remember a lot of the games we would play. He made learning fun for everyone.

Favorite athlete: Bobby Wagner

Favorite sports team: Seattle Seahawks

Favorite movie: “Grown Ups 2”

Favorite TV show: “The Office”

Favorite song: “Move On Up” by Curtis Mayfield

Favorite food: Pepperoni pizza. I like Roma.

Worst thing you’ve eaten: Anything with horseradish on it.

Plans after high school: I plan to either attend either UVa or Virginia Tech. I want to major in global studies because I really enjoy learning what’s going on in the world. I would like to learn about history and I would probably minor in economics. I’d like to pursue a career in the CIA or other government agencies. While I was growing up I was always interested in history and my dad was in the military and so was my grandpa. It just goes back through my family — history and the military. The CIA kind of interests me and fits both of those areas.

— Compiled by Walt Moody

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