James Wood High School 17-year-old senior
Sport: Cross country
Parents: John and Kathleen Stover
Hometown: Winchester
What do you love about cross country: I love the team aspect of it. I feel like our team is super close. It’s given me the best friends I have now in high school.
Most memorable moment in cross country: The Glory Days meet [in Manassas] my freshman year. It was one of my first meets and it had [70] schools and [more than one thousand] runners. It was really crazy. It was a huge event. It’s a lot different from most sports, which are usually just two teams.
Most embarrassing moment in cross country: When I was finishing a race once at Great Meadow I had to [use the bathroom] so bad, I just ran straight to the porta potty.
Most difficult moment in cross country: A meet at Oatlands, where you go up what’s called “The Hill.” People were passing me, and it was just a big setback. It did not make me feel good.
Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: Elon Musk; I just think he’s super smart and super funny. I would just love to meet him and talk to him. Freddie Mercury; I love his music and I love his story. He seems like a super interesting person for his time. And Mac Miller; I just really like his music, and he died really young.
Your guilty pleasure: Binge-watching YouTube when I should be in bed on a school night. I love Shane Dawson and his documentaries.
Favorite teacher: My eighth-grade Spanish teacher [at Frederick County Middle School] Mr. [Bryan] Contreras. He loved getting to know everyone, including everyone. He was very outgoing and over the top. He was super funny and super comfortable to be around.
Favorite movie: “Annihilation”
Favorite song: “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake
Favorite food: Mexican
Plans after high school: I plan on getting into James Madison, Virginia Commonwealth or West Virginia, and studying business. I’ve taken business classes in high school and I really like the way that works. I like how much you’re working together with people to solve things. It’s a more general field, so when I get [to college] I can narrow it down more.
— Compiled by Robert Niedzwiecki