Athlete Spotlight: James Wood cross country runner Jacob Oliver

October 20, 2022

joliverJames Wood High School 17-year-old senior

Sport: Cross country

Parents: Rebecca and Derek Oliver

Hometown: Winchester

What do you love about cross country?: The camaraderie of the team, and just being close with my teammates.

Most memorable moment in cross country: Last year’s district meet, when we won on a tiebreaker [over Handley] with our sixth man. Just the whole atmosphere, it was a crazy race.

Most embarrassing moment in cross country: Probably getting run over by Izzy Newman (when she was on a bike on the track). We’re running a workout, and Izzy was behind me and I didn’t know, and she hit me without warning. It’s all fine. Everybody just kind of laughed.

Most difficult moment in cross country: Just having the motivation to go to cross country after school every day. It’s a challenging sport.

People you can have dinner with, dead or alive: My parents; I love them so much. My grandparents Mary and Roland; they’re my neighbors, and I just love hanging out with them every day. And Harry Kane; he plays for Tottenham [Hotspur] in soccer. I’ve grown up watching Tottenham, and he’s been their best player for a while. In December, I’ll get to go watch them play, and him play.

Biggest athletic influence: My dad. He didn’t really start running until I started running in sixth grade. I still run with him sometimes, and it’s awesome to be able to do that.

Favorite teacher: Ms. [Suzanne] Miller, eighth-grade English at [Frederick County Middle School]. English wasn’t always one of my best subjects, but she made it fun and more personable. She made the work easier to understand.

Favorite athlete: Harry Kane

Favorite sports team: Tottenham Hotspur

Favorite movie: Any of the “Fast and Furious” movies

Favorite TV show: “The Office”

Favorite song: “Heartless” by Kanye West

Favorite food: Chicken marsala

Worst thing you’ve eaten: Bok choy

Plans after high school: I’m planning on going to college to study either sports management or business, and I plan on also running in college. I’d still love to do something in sports. I know sports management is kind of what I’m interested in, but I know not a lot of schools have it. With a business degree, you can do almost anything, so I feel that’s a good starter for later in life.

— Compiled by Robert Niedzwiecki

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