Athlete Spotlight: James Wood girls’ soccer player Audrey Hottle

5ec874dd963c6.imageJames Wood High School 18-year-old senior

Sport: Soccer. Position: Sweeper

Parents: Christopher and Jennifer Hottle

Hometown: Winchester

What do you love about soccer: It’s probably just getting together with a group of girls, being able to work together on the field and making stuff happen. It’s nice.

Most memorable moment in soccer: Two years ago, my sophomore year, it was my old coach [Jim] Carden’s last year coaching and we had a sendoff for him at Handley because he used to coach at Handley. We had a banner made and it was really nice.

Most embarrassing moment in soccer: It was when I used to play BRYSA and I was like maybe in the sixth grade. My sister and I had been playing in the yard the day before and we were kicking the ball and picking it up. During the game the next day, I picked up the ball straight from the ground. I guess I wasn’t thinking and just stood there with it in my hands because I didn’t know what to do.

Most difficult moment in soccer: My freshman year I tore my ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) pretty early in the season. That was definitely difficult to recover from that and keep playing on. It was like a whole year’s worth of therapy.

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: My granddad on my mom’s side. He passed away before they had me. … It would be nice to meet him and I’ve heard a lot about him. It would be nice to talk to him; My great granddad on my dad’s side. He passed away when I was young. I heard that he was very smart and he was really good with his money so it would be very good to get some advice from him; My coach Donovan Russell because when we have a normal season and COVID is not happening, the seniors get a special dinner with just the coaches at a nice restaurant. It would be nice to get a chance to do that.

Guilty pleasure: Anything like Little Debbie’s, the sweets, the cakes, Zebra Cakes, anything like that. I love those. They’re so good.

Favorite teacher: My art teacher from last year Richard Moore. He has really good ideas about artwork and he’s really good with his tips and tricks. He’s always been a good family friend of ours. He gets me. He has a great personality and he’s good to get along with.

Favorite athlete: [U.S. women’s soccer player] Juli Ertz

Favorite team: Dallas Cowboys

Favorite movie: “The Dark Knight”

Favorite TV show: “That ’70s Show”

Favorite song: “Send My Love to Linda” by Jimi Hendrix

Favorite food: Mashed potatoes. My mom’s are probably the best.

Plans after high school: I plan to go to JMU. I’m not sure exactly what I’m majoring in, yet. I’m going in undecided, but I know I’m going there. I’ve thought about going into dentistry and I’ve been told that I would be a good therapist, but I’m keeping an open mind. I’m not exactly sure, yet.

— Compiled by Walt Moody

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