Athlete Spotlight: James Wood girls’ tennis player Lily Kimble

April 24, 2018

Walt Moody/The Winchester Star

Lily Kimble

James Wood High School 17-year-old junior

Sport: Tennis.

Position: No. 1 singles, No. 1 doubles

Parents: Tress and Ron Kimble

Hometown: Winchester

What do you love most about tennis: I love that I can play individually while still supporting the team and being a part of that group.

Most memorable moment in tennis: I was playing double last year with my partner Morgan Burner and I hit an overhead that bounced in and then bounced over the fence so that the other girls did not even have a chance to hit it.

Most embarrassing moment in tennis: Definitely when you miss an overhead completely. It’s so embarrassing.

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: Billy Graham, just because he was so inspirational and influential. It would be cool to meet him; Serena Williams, just because I’d like to talk to her about how she balances playing sports and living her life; Zac Efron, because I grew up watching his movies and it would be really cool.

If you could use a time machine, where/when would you go: Probably to like the 1950’s because I feel like I was born in the wrong era. I’d like to go back to go to the drive-in and the diner, drink milkshakes and have fun.

If you could go on a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go: Africa, to see the culture and help out any people in need.

Favorite teacher: Miss [Heidi] Henson from Frederick County Middle School. She was my science teacher. She always encouraged us and helped me with anything I needed. I could go to her for anything.

Favorite athlete: [Tennis player] Alexander Zverev

Favorite team: West Virginia Mountaineers

Favorite movie: “High School Musical”

Favorite TV show: “Grey’s Anatomy”

Favorite song: I don’t have one, but I like Ed Sheeran

Favorite food: Cheese pizza

Plans after graduation: I’d like to go to a four-year university and get some sort of medical degree so I can go to other countries and help people in need. I’m good at math and science and [medicine] always interested me. If you get a degree in medicine, it’s easy to help people and that’s where my heart is.

— Compiled by Walt Moody

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