Athlete Spotlight: James Wood swimmer Reid Malony

February 9, 2023

63e140d7ca6c9.imageJames Wood High School 17-year-old senior

Sport: Swimming. Main events: 500 freestyle and 100 breaststroke

Parents: Kevin and Nicole Malony

Hometown: Winchester

What do you love about swimming?: The friendships and camaraderie that I’ve made with my teammates. It’s really been invaluable.

Most memorable moment in swimming: This year, qualifying for regionals in the 500 free [at the Class 4 Northwestern District meet. Malony placed sixth with a yard time of 6:46.11]. Last year I just missed it by a little bit, so it was good to finally move on in that event. I started pushing toward the end of the race, and I really realized it could be the last time I could do it, because I’m a senior. So I really tried to make the most of that opportunity.

Most embarrassing moment in swimming: The first time I swam the 500 my sophomore year, when I dove in, one of my goggles immediately filled up with water, and the other was on its way off. So I just had to make do with that. It was a pretty poor performance, but given the circumstances of that, I felt like I did my best.

Most difficult moment in swimming: Probably the back-to-back meets. There’s been a couple times between this season and last season where I’ve walked in the door at 12:30 at night and walked out of the door at 6:30 for a meet the next morning, which is really hard mentally, because you’re tired, and you just want to chill out the next day. But you’ve got to get back out and perform your best.

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: My grandfather Tom died two years ago. I feel like he just has a ton of really incredible stories, and I feel like it would be really incredible to hear those stories from him again. Norm Macdonald; he’s a comic who passed away two years ago. I think he’s hilarious and his ability to tell stories is fantastic. I feel like it would be a really interesting conversation. And Zach Bryan; he’s a country artist. I went and saw his show this spring. I really like his music and I play guitar as well, so I think it would be cool to talk to him about some of his songwriting methods, and how he writes his guitar.

Biggest athletic influence: I really like Mike Tyson’s attitude and mindset toward competition. He fully admits a lot that he is intimidated and does have some anxiety before his fights. But when it comes down to it you just have to zone in and focus on the task at hand. It helps to know it’s OK to feel that stuff. Then once I dive in, I just focus on doing my best.

Favorite teacher: Ms. [Amy] Snapp. She is my English teacher this year. She is super understanding of what seniors are going through and the stress they’re having. She has a lot of fantastic advice, and I really enjoy talking to her. She’s seen a lot of seniors come through, and she’s pretty good at talking through everything that you’re going through.

Favorite athlete: [Bodybuilder] Chris Bumstead

Favorite sports team: Baltimore Ravens

Favorite movie: “Pulp Fiction”

Favorite TV show: “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”

Favorite song: “Sunday Afternoon” by Zach Bryan

Favorite food: My grandmother’s spaghetti and meatballs

Worst thing you’ve eaten: I ate one of those [BeanBoozled] jelly beans that’s supposed to taste like [barf].

Plans after high school: I’d like to go to Virginia Tech or West Virginia for aerospace engineering, and then either work in the civilian side of that or maybe enlist in the Air Force and become an officer. I’ve always been interested in military aircraft, specifically World War II aircraft. I’ve built models as well. Airplanes have always been kind of an interesting little topic for me. Being able to work on military aircraft and design that stuff I think would be really interesting.

— Compiled by Robert Niedzwiecki

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