Colonels to host 3rd annual Dig Pink match

October 15, 2011


October 15, 2011

From Star staff reports

WINCHESTER- The James Wood High School volleyball teams (varsity and JV) are hosting their 3rd annual Dig Pink match at 7 p.m. (for varsity and 6 p.m. for junior varsity) on Tuesday night against Fauquier.

The Colonels’ Dig Pink match is part of the Side-Out Foundation and Dig Pink campaign and its goal is to raise funds and awareness in the fight against breast cancer.

Lester said James Wood’s football players will be throwing pink volleyballs to fans during the match, and the Colonels’ cross country team will be handling the concessions.

“It seems like more of the community, the school community and the teams, are supporting the event each year,” James Wood volleyball coach Jill Lester said. “They’re a couple girls on the team [a player and one of the team’s managers] whose family’s have dealt with this so it’s going to be an emotional night because it’s something that hits so close to home.”

Lester said the school will have a “Wall of Hope” with names of survivors and names of those who lost their fight against cancer will be on pink volleyballs in the main entrance to the gymnasium. Lester said the volleyballs can be purchased with a $1 donation.

There will be pink wrist corsages given to breast cancer survivors attending Tuesday’s match.

There will also be raffles with the proceeds going to the Side-Out Foundation and Dig Pink campaign.

Valley Health will be in attendance with their mobile van parked in front of the school to provide information on self-breast exams for free.

Anyone attending the match is asked to wear pink. The goal is to raise $4,000.


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