December 6, 2011

James Wood High School 17-year-old senior

Sport: Basketball

Position: Guard

Parents: Jill and Darrell Potter

Hometown: Winchester

Nickname: Sometimes people call me “Chaddywack.” I was in like sixth grade and my coach gave it to me.

When did you start playing basketball: I started playing basketball when I was about six years old. I always used to watch the NBA when I was a kid and I always thought it looked fun.

What you love about basketball: I like football, but basketball is just more intense I feel like. It’s more one-on-one, basketball is definitely my passion.

Biggest strength in basketball: My biggest strength is probably getting along with my teammates, I try to always make sure that our chemistry is always good.

Most memorable moment in basketball: Beating Millbrook last year to get into the district championship. We were the underdogs and everyone thought [Millbrook] was going to beat us. I had to shoot eight free throws in the last two minutes and I made seven of them.


Most embarrassing moment in basketball: Probably during warm-ups my sophomore year we had these really baggy warm-up pants and I was doing a right-hand layup and the pants got underneath my shoe and I just ended up on my back. I tried to hop up and act like nobody saw it, but everyone saw it.

Favorite athlete: [Oklahoma City Thunder guard] Russell Westbrook just because he’s not worried about the fame or anything, he just works hard and plays his game.

Favorite sports team: Washington Redskins

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive:My grandfather Bob Stiff, [country music singer] Kenny Chesney and [former Chicago Bull star] Michael Jordan. My grandpa goes to all my games, ever since I was a kid. He’d go down to New Jersey to see my AAU tournaments, he’s at every single one of my games, my practices. My grandparents are my biggest fans.

Favorite Quote: “It’s not always what you know, it’s who you know.” That was a quote from my Uncle Mike who passed away from cancer about three years ago. He used to always say that and I never knew what it meant, but when he passed away I started thinking about it and it really applies to life.

Favorite subject in school:Not Spanish. I’d probably say math just because it’s one of my strong subjects.

Pregame routine/ritual: I drink a lot of water, I’m the type of guy who cramps a lot. And I listen to my iPod to just keep me calm. I also have a certain pair of socks that I’ll keep wearing until we lose, then I change them. I do wash them though.

Plans after college: I’m trying to play a sport and there’s a couple schools looking at me for football. My dream right now would probably be to play football at Shepherd University. My cousin is Trae Tinsman, who played at James Wood two years ago, is a quarterback there and I think it’d be really cool to be in college and have him throwing touchdown passes to me.


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