Wood boys, Handley girls win city-county cross country meet

STEPHENS CITY — The James Wood boys’ cross country team won Wednesday’s city-county meet at Sherando, scoring 31 points with an average 5,000-kilometer (3.1 miles) time of 18 minutes and 28.09 seconds.

Eli Clark led the way for the Colonels, which placed first as a team among Sherando, Handley and Millbrook. Sherando (42 points) placed second, Handley (47) placed third and Millbrook (120) placed fourth. Clark won first-place individual honors by 34 seconds with a 17:13.35 time.

The Handley girls won first place in its competition, scoring 21 points with an average time of 23 minutes and 9.91 seconds. James Wood (48) placed second, Sherando (51) placed third and Millbrook (120) came in fourth. Wood’s Kate Konyar was the fastest individual runner with a 20:00.07 time, one minute and 23.9 seconds faster than Wood’s Alina Kieffer, who placed second.

Other James Wood boys’ scorers: 4. Thomas Newman 18:22.55; 5. Zachary Harrington 18:29.98; 7. Carrick Amerine 18:32.93; 14. Cade Freeman 19:41.66.

Sherando boys’ scorers: 2. Ryan Maki 17:47.91; 3. Jed Bell 18:16.74; 9. Hatcher Smith 18:49.18; 13. Chester Konisiewiez 19:32.43; 15. Ethan Hicks 19:49.86.

Handley boys’ scorers: 6. Halston Wright 18:32.39; 8. Matthew Doran 18:35.31; 10. Noah Meleason 19:10.67; 11. Everett Otto 19:17.48; 12. Tristan Wheeler 19:28.40.

Millbrook boys’ scorers: 28. Nicholas Taylor 20:59.35; 35. Cayden Barb 21:29.37; 37. David Hyatt 21:53.58; 42. Rhett Paine 22:14.34; 43. Pablo Segura 22:15.31.

Handley girls’ scorers: 3. Evelyn Mullins 21:54.44; 5. Ella Warren 22:59.54; 6. Seneca Welpott 23:08.08; 7. Stephanie Truban 23:36.36; 10. Jayleh Porter 24:11.16.

Other James Wood girls’ scorers: 14. Katelyn Palmer 24:29.79; 16. Ally Oliver 24:42.52; 17. Lauren Thompson 24:42.58.

Sherando girls’ scorers: 4. Mia Adams 22:33.83; 8. Gracie Defibaugh 23:53.37; 9. Cassidy Crittenden 24:03.80; 11. Ella Carpenter 24:24.92; 23. Regan Caplan 24:54.67.

Millbrook girls’ scorers: 33. Lily Carr 25:36.08; 34. Savannah Florek 25:39.82; 37. Allie Murphy 26:28.86; 41. Sydney Volkman 27:45.00; 42. Danielle Hauck 28:12.68.


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$250 Annual Winner

 The winner of the 
$250 Annual Drawing was
Stephanie Ashby

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