Athlete Spotlight: James Wood softball player Skyla Compton

scJames Wood High School 18-year-old senior

Sport: Softball. Position: Outfield

Parents: Hope Roberts and Allen Fauver

Hometown: Winchester

What do you love about softball?: Honestly, it’s an outlet for me. I always play it to kind of de-stress, I guess. It allows me to be myself in a way that I don’t feel like I can express when I’m off the field.

Most memorable moments in softball: It’s probably a tie between that Sherando game we played this year (a walk-off, comeback 4-3 win in the Region 4D semifinals) and how close it was and the Tuscarora game we played last year in the [Region 4C] championship [a 5-3 triumph in a contest in which Compton belted a homer]. That was a great game, too.

Most embarrassing moment: We were playing Fauquier and it was my first time playing right field this year. When I went to go field the ball I missed it and it rolled all of the way to the fence. The girl ended up getting a triple off of me and then making it a close game.

Most difficult moment in softball: For me, it’s always the mental aspect. I’ve always been a little too hard on myself. Don’t get me wrong, injuries stink. I’m going through one right now. I just sprained my ankle. But, I think that the hardest part is the mental game because it requires so much in softball. It’s constant. The things that help me are my teammates. Just having that support system through them and knowing that my coaches have faith in what I’m capable of doing really helps me. ... I work a little bit harder than I usually do and I just figure it out.

Three people you can have dinner with, dead or alive: My stepdad’s mom [Annette Fauver]. She just passed, but I never got to meet her. He just always talks about how supportive she was and how awesome she was as a person. I think that I need that in my life sometimes; One of my old coaches Vanette Jackson. I had her when I was younger and she had so much wisdom about the game and how you are as a person, in general. I think that some of the things that she could tell me now would really help me in times of need, especially considering the fact that I’m going to college and about to leave everything that I’ve known; One of my coaches Eddie Simmons, he’s just a very intelligent person and I’m sure that he has had a lot of ups and downs in his life. He went to college and played baseball. I think that his wisdom and his true love for sports, he would really benefit me when it comes to my self-confidence and feeling more empowered with what I’m doing the rest of my life. He would give me that confidence I need.

Who is your biggest athletic influence?: I think especially now, it’s Coach Patrick [Gibson]. He is just a driven person and I think that his enthusiasm and love for the game truly drives me. It’s what kept me going all of these years. He’s my travel coach and my high school coach. Just meeting him, his energy that he brings to the game is like no other. That really influenced me and kept me wanting to keep playing and stay on the field.

Favorite teacher: Mr. [William] Henderson. He was my 10th-grade chemistry teacher. I met him in that class and he brought a lot of humor into my life. I think that he allowed me to be myself at a time when I couldn’t figure out who that was. I think he allowed to me to open up and get out of my shell little bit, start accepting society a bit more. We were just out of COVID and we were still in masks, but at least we were in school every day. When I was in school, I talked to him every other day. He was very supportive in everything I did.

Favorite athlete: [Former Clarke County and current Radford pitcher] Abby Peace. I know her and she’s a stunning athlete. I don’t know how she does it. She’s insane.

Favorite sports team: University of Texas softball

Favorite movie: “American Sniper”

Favorite TV show: “The Office”

Favorite song: “No Scrubs” by TLC

Favorite food: Chicken Alfredo. I love pasta.

Worst thing you’ve eaten: Sushi. I hate sushi.

Plans after high school: I’m going to Potomac State to play softball and major in civil engineering. In high school, I started taking physics and started going into higher level math, like honors math analysis and calculus. I just found a love for the math and I’ve always been a problem solver. I kind of just put two and two together. I also did an internship with the Army Corps of Engineers which allowed me to see the aspects of civil engineering. I also like helping people. ... I think that I could do a lot with that degree.

— Compiled by Walt Moody


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